Live music red tape lifted for small venues

As from the 1st October 2012 venues such as pubs, with a capacity of under 200 people, will no longer need a license in order to stage live music between the hours of 8am and 11pm.

UK Music, which represents the music industry, estimates that the Live Music Act could enable 13,000 more venues to start holding live music events.

It will be interesting to see if the change will increase the number of venues staging live music in and around Faversham. Of course, there are those who will not like this change in the law!

UK Music has committed to working with the Musicians’ Union on an awareness campaign for venues and artists to ensure that the Act has the biggest impact.

More information on the changes:


"The Live Music Act will officially come into effect on October 1st 2012 and it will remove the Local Authority requirement for venues with an alcohol licence to purchase an additional licence for hosting a performance of live music for small venues.

It will remove the Local Authority licensing requirements for:

• amplified live music between 8am and 11pm before audiences of no more than 200 people on premises authorised to sell alcohol for consumption on the premises;

• amplified live music between 8am and 11pm before audiences of no more than 200 people in workplaces not otherwise licensed under the 2003 Act (or licensed only for the provision of late night refreshment); and

• unamplified live music between 8am and 11pm in all venues.

There will be no audience limit for performances of unamplified live music.

Introduced by Lib Dem Peer Tim Clement-Jones and promoted in the Commons by Bath MP Don Foster, the Live Music Act will encourage pubs and other small venues to host live music events.

Clement-Jones said: "I very much welcome UK Music's commitment to assessing the impact of the new Act. I am confident that the deregulation of live performances in small venues will be a real boost for musicians and the music economy."

Jo Dipple, chief executive of UK Music said: "This act will reverse the damaging effect the Licensing At had on live musical performances in the UK. Our most successful musicians, Joy Division, The Sex Pistols and the Rolling Stones all learnt their trade and earned their livings in small clubs and bars. Reversing overzealous licensing regulations will create new opportunities for British artists. The Rose & Crown in Totteridge Park and The Constitution in Camden Town will be - thanks to this Act - full of music and seedbeds for talent. Tomorrow’s headline acts will grow from these seedbeds which is great for music lovers and for the wider UK economy."

John Smith, MU General Secretary, said: "The MU is delighted to be hosting this event alongside UK Music. Personally, I have been campaigning on this issue ever since the Licensing Bill first started going through Parliament in 2002-03, and once the Licensing Act came into place in 2003 our members immediately started telling us that the number of gigs being held in small venues was going down.

"The exemption that the Live Music Act will bring in is fantastic news for musicians and will be a real boost for live music, and we thought it was right to celebrate it with a live music party in parliament."

Please see the link below for a letter from the DCMS outlining changes to the Licensing Act."

Live Music Act - DCMS.pdf

The above information is from UK Music, go to:

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