Archived Wednesday 15th June 2016 - RIBBON ROAD - at Faversham Folk Club, The Limes

Ribbon Road
7.30      Ticket Price £7 / £8
RIBBON ROAD are : Brenda Heslop - Vocals, guitar / Jill Heslop - Vocals, Keyboards / Geoff Heslop - Vocals, guitar

Ribbon Road sing beautifully crafted songs drawing from folk music's long tradition yet relevant to our ever-changing modern times.

Based on tight harmonies and simple instrumental arrangements which accentuate the words, their sound has a powerful directness often missing in contemporary song. 'No Redemption Songs' is absolutely beautiful..a really, really moving album - Brenda has a way of spinning a song out of the truth' Mike Harding- Folk Show - September 2014

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